
Dr. Lang’s “Talking Heads” Interview Featured in AfPP’s IPP Magazine

Dr. Lang was featured in April’s IPP Magazine Talking Heads interview, in which she shares about the extensive research behind Comfort Talk® and how it led to the development of innovative, non-pharmacological techniques for managing patient distress. 

April 11, 2023

Dr. Lang Quoted in The New York Times Article

Dr. Lang is quoted in The New York Times article “What Can Hypnosis Do for Your Health?” which focuses on the benefits of hypnotic language and therapeutic hypnosis.

February 22, 2023

German Edition of Patient Sedation Without Medication Is Released

The prestigious German publisher, Auer Verlag, just released the German edition of our successful English language book Patient Sedation without Medication.

September 3, 2022

Comfort Talk at Euroanaethesia 2022

Comfort Talk® was well represented at Euroanaesthesia 2022 (4-6 June) in Milan, Italy.

September 3, 2022

Research Outreach Publishes Profile on Comfort Talk

Comfort Talk has been featured in an Research Outreach publication.

December 1, 2021

New Manuscript Published!

We’re happy to report the publication of our new manuscript on the efficacy of the Comfort Talk® Pro app.

June 2, 2021

Dr. Lang Interviewed for The European Society of Hypnosis’ Journal

For our French speaking friends, Dr. Lang was interviewed by Dr. Gerard Fitoussi for the The European Society of Hypnosis’.

May 7, 2020

Dr. Lang featured in Washington Post

This past November, Dr. Lang was featured in Debra Bruno’s Washington Post article tiled, “Hypnotherapy isn’t magic, but it helps some patients cope with surgery and recovery.” Below find and exerpt of the piece…

February 14, 2020